Walking in the World, a Practical Guide to Creativity by Julia Cameron

Weel Uno/12

Discovering a Sense of Dignity

Creativity is an act of faith. This week focuses on the survival of those difficulties encountered at the highest creative peaks. Our graceful ability to encompass difficulty rests in our ability to be faithful. The reading and tasks of this week aims at acquainting the creative practicioner with the survival tools necessary for the successful accomplishment of a sustained creative life. ( Page 251)

So what does this mean for a lapsed blogger of three dormant but now rebooted blogs? The answer? Everything and nothing, at the same time, a perplexing conundrum to be sure. But Julia Cameron’s observation IS a timely message to strike a sane balance between being fully present and living my life, artistic and otherwise AND chronicling said life on the continuum between  thoughtful reflection on one end and on the other end obsessive broadcasting (including fotos)  what I had for lunch or dinner  at the latest trendy bistro with my friends.

And what about the buzzword of the decade, sustainability? Just what does that mean in an artistic, creative sense?  Certainly, as I pack up my pared down possessions for a five month move to Mexico City (enroute to extended travel to South America in 2020) the meaning will evolve.

But right now, ahorita the theme quotation tells me to take one day at a time.